Old Computer Challenge 2024 : part 1

I've moved my OCC pc to my desk and setup my main monitor, mouse and keyboard for it. So far I've been able to handle some things:
Reading PDF's of books.
Typing up school work.
Streaming music, nectarineradio.
social media masto9 for bsd.network and mothra for hj.9fs.net (snac2)
I've been using rd a remote desktop program for 9front that allows me to connect to my windows box. This allows me to do my school work on their JavaScript heavy site. It also allows me to use LibreOffice's Writer. I tried, really, to use my Universities website via Netsurf, but it wouldn't load all the page data to view. Mothra also didn't do any better. So I am reduced to that for school, I must not rely on it though. It's pretty laggy, so playing games is not in the cards at least. I must play native games, like quake or doom. maybe some Sega Genesis games while I'm at it.

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