Old Computer Challenge 2024 : part 2

Did more school work today. Read some of my uni's site via Netsurf. The rest in RD. I wrote my paper in acme(1) and it was posted to the web via rd(1) and Firefox. Pasting works fine from 9front to Windows via rd, which surprised me, but saved me a few minutes. What I would have done, would be to launch rd, then launch drawterm in windows and copy files from /mnt/term to my home directory. So if you don't know, Drawterm is a remote desktop application for 9front / Plan 9 OS. It shares the host's file system under /mnt/term/ like /mnt/term/C:/Users/thedaemon/ you get the idea. This is one way to transfer files to your 9front system. Not the fastest or most reliable, but it works across your network fast enough for larger files. I transferred my music (except a few tracks that had too long of names) via drawterm with no problem.

return - exit