#!/bin/rc # grid/up - initialize grid services # usage: grid/up srv tcp!!9990 /n/grid # #fn clean { # echo $1 | sed 's/.*!([^!]+)!.*/\1/'2 #} # #for(s in /n/registry/tcp*){ # s=`{basename $s} # srv $s `{clean $s} /n/^`{clean $s} & #} echo echo ' -- welcome to 9grid --' echo ------------commands------------ echo ' /c to list channels' echo ' /h for this message' echo ' /j CHANNEL to change channel' echo ' /m MSG to emote' echo ' /n NICK to change nick' echo ' /q to quit' echo -------------------------------- echo #while(~ $#nick 0){ # echo please enter a nick: # nick=`{read} #} nick=thedæmon #exec rio -i grid/rio #window -scroll grid/chat grid/chat